Third Parties Could Be Liable for Injuries in Auto Accident: Another Driver
If it was a multi-vehicle accident, a driver who didn’t actually strike another vehicle could be at fault. For example, during a rain shower a car is weaving in and out of traffic on the I-85 in Atlanta at a high rate of speed; the driver cuts you off and immediately slams on his brakes.
This causes you to slam on yours and – even though you were traveling at a safe speed and a safe distance before being cut off – you lose control on the wet road, hitting a car in the next lane. Even if it doesn’t actually make contact with your vehicle or other vehicles, the car that was driving recklessly by weaving in traffic and cut you off could be liable for causing the accident.
Third Parties Could Be Liable for Auto Accident Injuries: Car Repair Shop
Another potential third party is a car repair shop. It could be that a vehicle was taken in for repairs but the work done was shoddy. There would have to be proof that the repair shop’s work was negligent and this was the cause of the crash.
For example, let’s say the mechanic was supposed to put four new tires on your vehicle, but the mechanic installed used tires that were worn or improperly inflated. If this were to cause a tire blowout while traveling through downtown Atlanta, resulting in an accident, the mechanic and repair shop might be liable.
Seeking Legal Help When an Auto Accident Involves Third-Party Liability
When there has been significant property damage and bodily injuries in an accident, it’s critical to establish fault. Especially since this usually means missed time from work, facing car repairs (or replacement of a vehicle when it’s totaled), and medical bills. It may take some investigative work to uncover what really happened, which is where an attorney can help.
In addition to the typical kinds of proof gathered—such as an accident report, witness statements and photographs—there might be other types of evidence that is necessary. Personnel files from a motor carrier company, a recall issued and an accident reconstruction expert are examples. An attorney knows the type of information and documentation that will help build a strong case.
Go over liability for your accident in particular with Jason R. Schultz. If you’re in the Atlanta area, set up your consultation today: 404-474-0804.