Before you speak to the insurance companies you want to take every step possible to preserve your personal injury claim. One of the first steps to take is seeking the professional legal guidance of a Georgia attorney. Injury claims filed with the help of Georgia attorneys often result in much higher settlements than those unsupported by legal counsel.
The Law Office of Jason R. Schultz, PC is dedicated to helping injured Georgia residents seek the compensation they deserve when the negligence of another causes serious injury, disability, or death. A Georgia attorney from our firm may make all the difference in your personal injury claim settlement.
If you or a loved one has suffered serious injury in a car accident, dog bite attack, construction accident, slip and fall, medical malpractice, or any other type of negligence, you have the right to seek legal help. Especially in cases of a fatal accident, Georgia attorneys are here to help your family ease the burdens following a catastrophic event. Contact us today for a FREE consultation to evaluate your potential serious injury or wrongful death case.