When you call to make the report, be prepared to provide this list of information.
- Your name and contact info
- A description of the dog
- Details about the attack
- Where the attack occurred
- Any information about the dog owner
- Which direction the dog headed after the attack
What happens after you report the attack?
The animal control authorities will come out and attempt to locate the dog. They will ask you for more information for their report, and they’ll also try to speak with the dog owner to inform them about the incident their rights and responsibilities.
“Any animal which has bitten a human must be quarantined for ten days rabies observation whether the animal has been vaccinated against rabies or not. This is a state law. The animal must be confined either at the animal shelter or at a veterinarian,” explains the FCAC.
Speaking to a Lawyer about the Dog Bite Attack
Victims of dog bite attacks may have a legal avenue available in which they can pursue restitution for their damages. Under GA ST § 51-2-6 you can take legal action against the owner if the following three things are true.
- The dog is considered "dangerous"
- The owner didn’t have the dog properly restrained
- You didn’t provoke the animal
Note, when you file a dog bite injury claim, the owner usually doesn’t pay for your damages him- or herself; rather, his or her homeowner’s insurance will cover it.