Be Aware Of Tactics Insurance Companies Use
Here are just a few of the most common tricks and tactics that insurance companies utilize to achieve their goal:
- Monitoring your social media postings and interactions. Rest assured that the insurance company will be checking for any videos or updates you post that might undermine your claim.
- Doing their best to try to get you to go through the other driver’s insurance company to get your vehicle appraised or fixed.
- Believe it or not, insurance companies have even made a habit of hiring private investigators to secretly videotape unsuspecting accident victims, hoping to uncover damaging information.
- Trying to talk you out of meeting with or hiring an experienced car accident attorney to help you with your claim. The insurance companies know that accident victims who hire an attorney have a much better chance at achieving a higher settlement for their claim.
- Not settling claims for a fair amount. Unfortunately, we see this all the time, and it can spell financial disaster for you and your family down the road.