You may be able to pursue compensation for all of your injuries through a Georgia personal injury claim. Damages can be both economical and non-economical.
Some of the types of damages that may be recoverable include:
- your hospital and medical expenses;
- lost income;
- any future treatment you will need; and
- lost earning potential should you be unable to return to work.
Additionally you may be entitled to other types of damages such as pain and suffering, disability and loss of enjoyment of life. An Atlanta injury lawyer will carefully consider all of your losses that may be recovered through a Georgia personal injury claim.
Consulting with an Atlanta injury lawyer should be your next step if you have suffered a head injury or any other type of injury as a result of someone else's negligence in an accident in Atlanta. Your Atlanta injury lawyer will be able to determine the options you have available through a personal injury claim and how best to protect your legal rights.