Distracted Driving Statistics
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), after analyzing an estimated 2,188,970 crashes in the U.S., they found talking with another passenger to be one of the biggest factors. The second biggest factor contributing to a crash was using a phone. This includes texting, dialing, and talking.
In addition, they found that when it comes to paying attention and recognizing situations that require a response, many of the drivers engaged in internal thoughts before the crash happened.
The most common internal distractions include:
- general inattention;
- personal problems;
- family problems;
- future events (such as a wedding);
- preceding argument; and
- financial difficulties.
If it can be proven that the motorist that caused your accident was driving recklessly on the road, you may be entitle to pursue a personal injury claim. Contact a car accident attorney in PeachtreeCityat the Law Office of Jason R. Schultz, P.C. are immediate legal help: 404-474-0804.