Proving Lost Wages After an Accident
To prove lost wages, produce the pay stub from your most recent paycheck prior to your injury. Tips and non-salary benefits should be included as well. If you are self-employed, you will need to submit proof of what you would have earned. Keeping detailed, organized records pays off in these circumstances.
If a motor vehicle accident results in a long-lasting or permanent injury—including chronic pain or fatigue—that will affect your ability to earn a paycheck, you may have grounds to recover for “lost earning capacity.” In some situations, you can claim this even if you can work—for instance, if the injury reroutes you to a lower-paying job.
Proving lost earning capacity can be tricky, as it involves some speculation about the future. At trial, a financial expert will likely be necessary to crunch the numbers. Your character traits, work habits, education, and intention to change careers may also be considered. After that, it’s in the hands of a jury, which has the leeway to determine the final amount you are awarded.