IMPORTANT: Your liability coverage only pays claims to people when you are at fault. It does not cover your damages if the other driver is at fault. When the other driver causes the accident, you make a claim against his liability insurance.
What kinds of motorcycle insurance does Georgia law not require?
Georgia law does not require you to buy motorcycle insurance that exceeds the minimum required coverage, also called 25/50/25 coverage. The law also gives you the option to decline uninsured motorist coverage or medical payments coverage.
What happens if the damages are higher than the limits of the insurance policy?
If you are at fault and the damages exceed the limits of your insurance coverage, the people you injured in the accident can sue you and try to take your personal assets. If the other driver is at fault and does not have enough coverage to pay all the damages, we can seek a judgment for the difference, and go after the at-fault driver’s assets.
What optional types of insurance covers motorcyclists?
Yes. Multiple types of optional motor vehicle coverage can protect motorcyclists in the event of a wreck, including:
- Higher limits
- Uninsured/Underinsured coverage
- Collision coverage
- Comprehensive
- Medical payments
- Accessories coverage
What can I expect from my insurance after a motorcycle wreck?
Once you file a claim with your insurer, a claims adjuster will begin investigating your accident. If you also filed a claim against another driver, his insurer will launch its own investigation. You will likely receive calls from both insurers asking for your side of the story. The insurance adjusters will also likely request a recorded statement. It is imperative that you do not grant a request for a recorded statement and instead direct any questions to us.
Insurance adjusters are notorious for using what accident victims say in these statements against them. And do not assume that your own insurer has your best interests in mind. Insurance companies are only concerned with one thing: saving money. And they will use some nefarious tactics to do so.
For example, you were riding your motorcycle when you had a collision with a car turning left at an intersection. It is clear the other driver was at-fault; however, you admitted in your recorded statement that you might have been riding a few miles over the speed limit. The insurer will use that to reduce your compensation and assign liability to you.
Consider another example: you were riding through an intersection when you collided with a car turning left. You admit you saw the car turning left in front of you but did nothing to slow down or avoid the crash. The insurer will likely try to assign significant liability to you. This means that you will only be able to recover a certain percentage of your injury settlement and you could be liable for a portion of the other person’s injuries.
Depending on the severity of the injuries the other driver suffered, you could end up paying for a portion of your and his injuries out of pocket.
If you have optional coverage above the minimum required coverage, it could help with the payment of damages. If the other driver is uninsured, your insurance will pay the costs if you carry uninsured motorist coverage. If the other driver is insured but your damages are greater than the amount of the other driver’s insurance, your policy will cover your excess damages if you purchased underinsured motorist coverage.
Get help from an Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer.
Recovering compensation from the other driver’s insurer or your own can be difficult. The motorcycle accident team at the Law Office of Jason R. Schultz, P.C. is ready to help you. Call 404-474-0804 for your free consultation or fill out a contact form here.