Summary of Truck Accident Attorney Jason R. Schultz 

  • Case Overview: Attorney Jason R. Schultz discusses representing a 47-year-old man involved in a serious accident with a dump truck, which resulted in multiple fractures.
  • Injuries and Impact: The client experienced complications during recovery, necessitating additional surgeries on his hip, leg, and arm, significantly affecting his ability to work and support his family.
  • Discovery Process: Through litigation, Schultz was able to uncover several hundred thousand dollars in additional insurance coverage that was initially unknown.
  • Financial Compensation: The case led to a structured settlement that provides the client with a lifetime income stream due to his inability to return to work.
  • Outcome: Schultz emphasizes the importance of thorough investigation in personal injury cases to secure maximum compensation for clients.

Did You Know

Personal injury cases often involve extensive discovery processes to uncover hidden insurance policies or assets, which can significantly increase the compensation available to the injured party.


I represented a 47 year old gentleman that was involved in a wreck with a dump truck that had pulled from a stop sign and he ran to the side of it and had multiple fractures he didn't heal very well and had to have additional surgeries in his hip his leg his arm he was working full time supporting a family and this set him back tremendously i was able to through discovery and litigation uncover several hundred thousand dollars more in insurance than we initially knew was available and also he was we were able to set up a structure where he had an income stream for the rest of his life because he wasn't able to go back to work

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured or killed in a tractor trailer accident due to the negligence of someone else, contact The Law Offices of Jason R. Schultz P.C. at (404) 474-0804 or Toll Free (866) 455-4709 or email Jason Schultz at [email protected] for a consultation. Jason will fight large trucking and insurance companies and win.