But ample claim evidence of the slip and fall, like photos of the scene, can help you build a strong case.
This is where you need to think outside the box. Some shots are more obvious. For instance, let’s say you were at a local mall and fell after stepping onto a floor that had just been waxed but was not properly cordoned off or marked with caution signs.
Taking a picture of the shiny floor is a given. But you will also want to get a wide view shot of the entire area to show that no barricades or warning signs were posted. Shooting from a variety of angles, including close-ups and long distance shots can better capture the whole scene to demonstrate the circumstances and details of the incident.
Whatever the cause of your trip or slip, take a picture of it, examples include:
- standing water;
- broken steps;
- missing handrails;
- inadequate lighting; and
- cracked pavement or sidewalk.
If there are visible injuries on your body, take pictures of those as well. Anything that is relevant to your accident should be photographed.
But there is another important step you should take with your slip and fall photos, make sure you record the:
- date;
- time; and
- circumstances surrounding the picture.
Don’t try to rely on memory, as it can start to fade.
Other Types of Claim Evidence in a Premises Liability Claim
Slip and fall photos aren’t the only type of evidence that can help build a strong case. Look into the possibility of securing video footage. Depending on where the incident occurred, there may be a camera mounted nearby that shows exactly what happened.
Physical evidence can also be important. Preserve anything that would help establish the cause of your injuries.
If there were bystanders who witnessed what happened, be sure to obtain names and phone numbers. Their statements could provide valuable testimony in your case.
You are also going to need to prove the extent and severity of your injuries. So in addition to claim evidence that shows liability, you will need medical records that document your injuries and prognosis.
Any information pertaining to treatment, tests, and doctor appointments should be collected. If you are not able to work while recovering, collect documentation of the income you are losing.
Legal Representation from a Slip and Fall Attorney in Atlanta
Premises liability cases can be complicated. They can stem from accidents on public property, at a private residence or a business. For help proving that it was the careless or reckless actions of someone else that caused a hazardous condition that led to your slip and fall and resultant injuries, secure legal counsel.
Contact the Law Office of Jason R. Schultz. We can help collect vital pieces of claim evidence such as witness statements and slip and fall photos (404) 474-0804.