Evidence of the owner’s negligence and liability will be important, but so, too, will be evidence of the victim’s damages.
Economic Damages in a Dog Bite Claim
Dog bite compensation in a claim usually addresses the economic losses suffered. Depending on the type of medical services and treatment required, an injured victim may be compensated for transportation in an ambulance, emergency department care, surgical procedures, hospitalization and other related expenses.
In severe dog bites, there may be future medical costs as well. For instance, a victim might have to undergo several surgeries or eventually need a cosmetic procedure to reduce scarring. But in addition to receiving care for physical injuries, there may be compensation available for counseling, therapy and other forms of treatment necessary to address psychological harm resulting from the dog bite.
Victims may be out of work for a period of time, too, as they recover from their injuries. Those wages could be recoverable in a dog bite claim. If the attack was severe enough that the person is now permanently disabled and unable to work, the income the victim would have earned may be addressed in a claim.
Tragically, some dog bites result in death. Families who are grieving the loss of a loved one could recoup not only monies for the aforementioned, but also reasonable funeral and burial expenses.
Noneconomic Damages in a Dog Bite Claim
Making a person whole financially isn’t the only goal when pursuing compensation in a claim. Often it is the mental suffering that is worth more in an injury claim. Although there may be actual costs incurred for psychological treatment, the life-altering effects of a bite or attack have value, too. Emotional distress, pain and suffering, reduced quality of life, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder are just some examples.
Just as painful to deal with are the scarring and disfigurement a dog bite or attack often cause. Injuries that occur to the face, neck, head and arms (all highly visible areas) can be significant, causing the victim embarrassment. There may be recoverable compensation that specifically addresses these types of damages.
Call Jason Schultz for Legal Help
In order to understand one’s right to pursue a claim after a dog bite and the compensation that’s recoverable, legal advice should be sought. There are various elements that must be in place in order to be compensated for damages related to a dog bite. Proving the owner’s liability and establishing the physical/emotional injuries are just some of those.
The Law Office of Jason R. Schultz will evaluate the details of the case to determine the viability of a claim and the types of compensation that may be available. Call (404) 474-0804 to schedule an appointment with an attorney with whom you can go over your potential claim.