Absolutely. It is a known fact that represented claims are resolved, on average, for at least 3 1/2 times what unrepresented claims are settled for. In premises liability cases the number is probably significantly higher than that average. If you have been injured arising from a premises liability accident, you need a lawyer on your side who has years of experience in this unique area of law. Jason Schultz can safeguard your rights while arguing against land owners and their legal teams, which may ultimately lead to a just verdict or settlement for your painful injuries.
The property owner's insurance company told me they would pay for my medical expenses and pain and suffering. Do I really needa premises liability lawyer?
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The Ultimate Guide to Injury Cases in Georgia – The Truth About Your Injury Case
Insurance company adjusters handle thousands of claims a year with one goal in mind - settling them as cheaply as possible even if you're not fairly compensated
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