Last but not least, you should strongly considering hiring a Fayetteville car accident lawyer because the IME report may be used against you in your Georgia personal injury claim. Your lawyer can also demand an impartial observer to make sure your rights are protected during the independent medical examination.
Contacting a Fayetteville Car Accident Lawyer
If you were recently injured in an accident and plan on filing a Georgia personal injury claim, you don't have to deal with aggressive insurance adjusters alone. While they have a team of lawyers working on their side, shouldn't you have experienced legal representation fighting for your best interests? Before accepting any settlement offer, contact the Law Offices of Jason Schultz to schedule a FREE consultation on your case - 404-474-0804.
I was injured in a Georgia car accident that wasn't my fault and now my own insurance company is requesting I submit to a medical examination by a doctor of its own choice. Do I have to go?
If you were involved in a car accident and filed a Georgia personal injury claim to recover damages, you may have received a notice from your insurance company requesting an independent medical examination (IME).
While this may seem a bit invasive, in most cases, your insurance company has the contractual right to have a medical professional of its choice examine you and review your condition.
Since insurance companies may use the information gained in independent medical examinations to deny your claim, you'll want a Fayetteville car accident lawyer to help get you prepared.
If you have received one of these notices, there are a few things you can do, including:
- Read your insurance policy - the insurance company's right to request an exam is in your contract, so review it to make sure the insurance company isn't violating any of the policy provisions.
- Be accurate and honest - before the IME, make sure to give your examiner an accurate description of your prior health problems, current complaints and any and all facts of the crash. Don't let the insurance company use any small mistake against you.
- Be on your guard - everything from how you walk into the room to how you sit down will be considered during the IME and could potentially impact your Georgia personal injury claim.
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The Ultimate Guide to Injury Cases in Georgia – The Truth About Your Injury Case
Insurance company adjusters handle thousands of claims a year with one goal in mind - settling them as cheaply as possible even if you're not fairly compensated
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