Henry County Truck Collision caused by Failure to Maintain Lane
Truck driver, working for Gator Freightways, failed to maintain his lane sideswiping our 33 year old female client coming home from choir practice. The truck driver claimed that a Federal Express truck came over into his lane pushing him into our clients car. The ensuing collision caused the left side of our client's car to lift off of the ground and slam back down. Our client testified that there was no phantom FedEX driver despite the claims to the contrary. Our client presented to the Henry County Medical Center emergency room the day after the collision with complaints of side pain, hand pain and neck and back pain. She was later treated with physcial therapy including manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, electrical stimulation, cold packs, and neuromuscular re-education. Her MRI on her neck revealed mild to moderate degenerative disc disease and disc bulging at C4-5 and C5-6 levels along with moderate neural foraminal narrowing at C5-6 on the right and her neurologist performed multiple trigger point injections in her neck and upper back as well.
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