Common injuries sustained at haunted houses include slip, trip, and fall injuries. A raised electric cord extended across a hallway or a wet spot on the floor can prove hazardous. Props that are not firmly attached to walls and ceilings sometimes fall on guests, causing serious injuries. Animatronics occasionally go haywire, too.

Fog and smoke machines produce carbon monoxide (CO). If ventilation is poor, CO can accumulate and poison guests. Too many patrons in one location can spark unnecessary chaos, and an actor who grabs and injures a guest can render the owner/operator liable. 

Contact a Premises Liability Attorney

If you or a loved one is injured at a haunted house attraction, please contact our office at 404-474-0804 or fill out a contact form here to explore your options.

Jason R. Schultz
Helping Georgia area residents with car accident, medical malpractice, and personal injury claims since 1991.
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