Emotional Damages for Daycare Abuse
Finally, emotional damages, also known as pain and suffering or non-economical damages, are calculated into the settlement of damages. Talk to an attorney about proving the emotional effects of your child's abuse. This can be a life-altering event for the child, and the effects can be long-term. Some children might display behavioral or emotional complications.
Don’t let your case settle for an unfair amount. Get legal help first.
In many cases, the daycare will try to settle out of court. However, these settlement offers do not always compensate for the full extent of the damages. Thus, these cases may need to go to court with the help of an attorney.
The Law Office of Jason R. Schultz, P.C. is here to help Georgia parents bring their case to light and see it through to the end. Contact our office today at 404-474-0804 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.